November 29, 2011

Marni to design for H&M

Woke up to the news this morning: Marni is to be the next guest designer for H&M. Now, this is something I'd queue for. Definitely. 
Apparently, the collection goes on sale worldwide on next year's March, 8.
What to grow impacient for? Accesories, undoubtly. And, specially, necklaces. 

 I could say the same words when talking about Marni shoes.
¿How did I run into Marni? I remember Gala González from Inside Amlul's closet wearing her marvelous Marnis on almost every looks she posted some years ago.

Shoes: all from Gala.
Can't wait to see the whole collection ;-)


  1. Un blog estupendo ;)
    Por cierto me encantan los últimos zapatos.

  2. Nice blog, I'm following you!


Thanks ☺